
The Weekend is Upon Us.

So I feel like I am the only person awake or not in an office on Facebook right now according to my 'newsfeed' or what-have-you..So I feel the need to blare some bytes of brain-waves across the interweb.

It is the weekend again. Well, in a matter of hours--technically, and I hope all you people out in there in the vastness of the world try and make the best of it once again. Get your drink on, your dance on and if you got 'sum', get your swerve on.

I know a lot of you are also sick out there and I sincerely hope you recover soon. Eat some spinach or something. Spring is nearly upon us and there’s no time to be sniffling and wheezing like a 5th grader with asthma..So suck it up! Plus being next to you on the subway is awful and the sound your throat makes is not human..You know how you are. Sir..

And to everyone else who is just 'killing time.' Can I please get some before you murder it all? I have a lot of stuff to do and don't seem to have enough time to do it in. Thanks.

Well I guess that is all for now. Stay tuned for further ramblings and orginal art posts. Over and out.


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